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I didn't know the library had origami kits!

Recently I was browsing the Arts & Crafts area of the library when I noticed the origami kits. I was transported back to when we made paper cranes in fifth grade. Mine was awful. It didn't even look like a bird, just a weird paper mess. I wanted to redeem myself so I checked out a kit and got to work.

The kit included three laminated instruction sheets, 20 pieces of pre-cut square paper and the book Easy Origami by John Montroll with even more ideas for origami projects. I was positive that having a clear set of instructions would help me succeed this time.

I folded the square in half. Okay, so far so good. I continued to carefully follow each step. I refused to fail again.

Then, I had a paper crane. It was so quick and easy I couldn't believe it. I was inspired to try a different design.

Suddenly, my paper crane had its own house. Then, I turned the house into a piano. The piano and crane seemed a little lonely so I made a tulip with a stem for decor. To be fair, I had to tape the tulip and stem together, but it was a flower nonetheless.

I wanted to make more origami figures but stopped myself before I had a desk filled with them. This activity is something people of all ages can enjoy. You can check out the kits for up to 21 days and you can use and keep the 20 pieces of square paper.




Grab an origami kit today and tag us in pictures of your creations on social media!


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